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Celebrate The Last Days Of Summer By Having Ice Cream For Dinner

Happy Labor Day Weekend!  Well, it’s official … the kids are back in school, and summer vacation is over.  We have a tradition in our house, that I love, to celebrate Labor Day.  It is the perfect way to relish one last warm summer evening with the family before the busy school year starts, and the leaves begin to fall.  Each labor day we have ice cream for dinner!

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Functional Chalkboard Wall Art – A Tractor And Airplane Example

My son’s room is decorated in a transportation theme. He loves airplanes, tractors, and anything with wheels.    Adding a chalkboard wall in any kids room is a great way to keep the kids creativity flowing!  The wall adds a great focal point for the room, and is very inexpensive to make.  The best part is it provides hours of creative play for the little ones.

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A Fun And Creative Way To Display Your Kids School Projects

It’s that time again … the kids come home from school with their stacks of cute and creative projects in hand.  They are so proud of them, and have worked so hard to make them.  Give the fridge a little break and try this in-expensive solution to display there hard work!

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Bite Sized Sandwiches – Perfect For Kids On The Go

There are many days that I make a lunch for the kids and cringe as I reluctantly throw most of it  into the garbage.  They are just not interested.  Ugh!  What a waste.  How could I get them to eat their sandwiches and prevent the wasteful cycle? Bust out the play-dough tools!!  Yup you heard me right!

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Rockin Pet Rocks In the Garden

We were picking rocks outside one day and not even close to done.  How could I get the kids excited to keep helping with this mundane chore?  I told the them they could collect a few rocks and we would paint them to make pet rocks!  All of a sudden we had collected, very quickly, every rock in sight with excitement!  We had a great time doing every step of this project and they are now awesome garden decorations!

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