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End Of The Year Teacher’s Thank You Gift

Yesterday I shared with you an  idea for an infinity scarf teachers appreciation gift that included a simple sewing project.  Here is another quick and easy idea for those of you who don’t sew, or don’t have time to make a scarf before the end of the school year!  Stop and grab a nice bottle of nail polish in a shade that you think your child’s teacher will like.  Maybe a bright fun color for summer.  Then add a little tag that says:  “Thanks for helping me polish up my reading, writing, and much more!”  This would make a great little thank you for any female influence in your child’s life, and can be easily personalized by changing up the phrase or by adding your favorite teacher’s name to it!

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Inexpensive Teachers Infinity Scarf Gift

Teachers are such an important part of our children’s lives and saying thank you to them is so important!  As the end of the school year approaches I have been thinking hard about a way to show them how much my kids have enjoyed having them as a teacher, and for me how much I appreciate them loving, teaching, and sharing in my children’s lives.  There are so many teachers appreciation gift ideas out there, but here is my take on a simple and inexpensive gift that my kids will be giving to their teachers this year to say Thank You to infinity for all that they do!  A simple DIY infinity scarf can cost just a couple dollars and take just minutes to make, but it is sure to show your child’s teacher that they are appreciated for years to come.

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