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Let The Kids Be Mom For The Day Before Going Back To School

A lot of kids are back to school this week or will be getting on that bus in the next couple of weeks.  This year we are celebrating one of our last full days together before school starts with a fun twist to the day.  Today the kids were appointed Mommy for the day and will choose how we spend the day, all of our activities, and even our meals.  What a fun way to end the summer together.

My kids are off to school next week and I am really trying to relish this last week that they are officially all mine during the day.  This will be the last week before my son is off to a full day all week at school, sigh.  We usually have a very scheduled day even though they are home for the summer.  Instead of going on vacation or spending money going somewhere exciting we will be staying home, and switching roles for the day.  I always like to find ways to make things that are really important to them special without spending a lot of money and this is a great option!

The kids are allowed to be free from our normal schedule and choose everything from what we do, eat, and play, to how long we stay up, and how we spend the entire day.  Within reason, of course!   I think we would be on our way to Disney World if they had their choice and eating bowls o skittles for breakfast.  As long as it is close to home, healthy and requires no money, I am up for whatever they decide.  I’m hoping that it is a fun filled day for them, and that they enjoy the opportunity to make their own choices for a full day.  I am excited for a full day of being free of making choices that they often argue about, and being free from the  phone, television, and kitchen (of course I will help them).  This will be happening this week instead of the day before school so that they have time to recuperate and get back to their normal schedule so the first days of school go nice and smooth.

So far today we have gone to the park, eaten crackers and cheese for breakfast, played about 12 rounds of duck duck goose, and had a picnic style game marathon outside under a shade tree.  I’m really enjoying the day and so are the kids!  I have heard talk of a living room camp out in blanket fort tonight and peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches and popcorn for dinner!  Maybe I should let them be in charge every day – it sure has been easy…and fun!

On Labor day we always celebrate with ice cream for dinner and then it is back to school for the year!  I hope that you all had a fantastic summer!  How do you spend the last few days of summer vacation with your kids?