When a small awkward hallway meets a simple DIY pallet shelf, it creates the perfect spot to display something special. Using pallet shelving for home decor is a great way to add impact without spending a lot of money. Here is my take on a super simple DIY pallet shelf that I made to display some old vintage books and toys in our home.
I have used pallets for home decor before, but never an entire pallet at once. I often use boards from the pallets for weathered signs because they are full of charming nicks and have a great texture when painted. This time, I took the leap into pallet land and created the perfect shelf for a small hallway in our home. I had a specific spot in mind for this pallet shelf when I decided to make it. There was a short hallway that leads to our kid’s rooms that needed something to spruce it up. This shelf was unbelievably easy to create, and holds some precious family memories.
Lucky me, we have a random stack of old weathered pallets out behind our barn. I regularly hit up the pile and take a board here and there. This time I was looking for a small pallet to use as a shelf for our hallway. I spotted this little beauty and brought it into the garage for a makeover. For this shelf I did remove a couple boards to make it more shelf like, and less pallet like. After the boards were removed, and all of the nails were gone, it was ready to paint. I left the wood as it was and did not do any sanding. I used one small sample can of paint and a brush to cover the entire pallet in white. I did two thin coats of paint and was set to hang it on the wall. The hubby and I found the studs in the wall and screwed directly through the pallet into the stud to securely hang it on the wall. I love the 3D effect that this shelf has in the hallway. It really gave us a lot of room to display things, and completely transformed the hallway.
When it came time to decorate the shelf, I knew exactly what I wanted to add to our new pallet display. It started with a stack of amazing little books. These classic stories were copyrighted around the 1930’s were printed in Wisconsin (where we are from). My husband has been receiving these little beauties each year, a few at a time, from his Grandmother for his birthdays. He used to read them with his Grandfather, who has since passed away, and they are very special to him. This shelf is a great way to display these amazing little treasures, and keep them safe from sticky little hands.
In the center of the shelf I placed a sign that I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby. The words “Be yourself” are a great reminder for the kids each time they leave their rooms to be true to who they are. Underneath the sign are two of my favorite baby pictures of the kids. The one of my son is of him wearing some old Oshkosh B’ Gosh bibs that belonged to his dad when he was a kid. Next to the kid’s pictures I have four very cool old pinewood derby cars. Not only are these vintage looking and fun, but they were made by my husband and by his did when they were kids. To the left of the “BE” sign there is a wooden plaque that I Modge Podged my favorite family photo onto. I can’t wait to share the technique with you. It is a great way to transfer pictures onto wood and get an aged look.
The top of the shelf is adorned with something that is very special to me. It is a poster that I had in my bedroom as a child. Not sure how it managed to survive, but the saying about “hugs” is adorable.
“A hug’s a magic circle
around a happy feeling.
A very special gift
that everyone finds appealing.
It’s a present only you can give
and every time you do
The person that you’re hugging
gives a hug right back to you.
It requires no special training,
no equipment or agility,
So every day’s a perfect day
to show your hug-ability! “
I am so happy my that kids will get to enjoy it as much as I did. A few of the other pieces on the shelf are simple glass vases filled with a child’s favorite toys like marbles and crayons, and a great old Snoopy pull toy from an antique store made in 1968.
I love that this shelf is filled with things that are really special to my husband and I. Each night when we walk past it to tuck the kids into bed, we see things that remind us each of our own childhoods, and of happy memories. Maybe I love that it makes me think of what it feels like to be a kid, or that it reminds me to make memories with my own kids that will last forever. I think the hallway to the kid’s rooms is the perfect spot for this unique pallet shelf filled with vintage books and kid’s toys. I’m so glad I took the time to make this shelf and fill it with things that really makes us all smile.
I love this! You have inspired me to make my own! Thinking of combining this idea with the gallery wall for my living room. Thanks Kim!
Awesome Jackie!! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
P.S: The first time Steve saw our gallery wall at our house he told me he felt like he was at Applebees 😉 Not sure if that meant it was a little much, or not! Haha I say go for it!