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Decorate Pumpkins With Fabric Paint And 3D Stickers

Each year we do the normal pumpkin patch visit and pumpkin carving, but here is an alternative to pumpkin carving.  Grab some fabric paint and 3D stickers and let the kids decorate their own pumpkins that will last weeks on the porch.

We love our pumpkin carving but our kids are so small that it is hard for them to really be the one to “create” their pumpkin.  Of course they help and we have a great time.  This is a project that we have done three years in a row and it allows the kids to have their pumpkins on display all month long as well as be the one to create these from start to finish.

We stopped at our local farmers market and picked up about $3.00 worth of cute little pumpkins.  This alone is exciting for the kiddos.  We hit the local Dollar General for some decorating supplies.  We found these really cute 3D stickers and a 4 pack of Halloween Colored fabric paints.  We picked up One set for each kid and we were all set to get crafty.

I lined their work space with a paper bag and opened all the paints.  They got right to work making these spooky painted pumpkins.  The eye stickers turned out so fun – even though the kids had no rhyme or reason for where they were painting – the little eyes instantly turned each pumpkin into a little creature.

After about 30 minutes we had some pretty neat looking pumpkins!  I believe this one is supposed to be a “volcano” pumpkin according to my son.  The paint tubes worked so well.  The kids were able to easily squeeze the paint out and it allowed them to basically draw on the pumpkins however they wanted to.  Of course they did go a bit over board, and the paint ran where they used too much, but they loved them that way, and so did I.

The paint needed to dry overnight, but once it did the pumpkins had a fun 3D effect.  They are sitting in a row on our deck and look really cute.  They hold up to the rain well and will last all the way to Halloween!

Happy Pumpkin painting!