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Bleached Out Super Hero T-Shirt – A One Dollar Project

Here is a quick and super cheap project that you can do for the little super hero in your life.  With a few simple supplies that you probably already have in your house and a dollar store t-shirt you can create this bleached out batman t-shirt that any little boy would love.  In a small amount of time and with just a few simple steps your super hero type boy can sport his very own batman logo any time he wants.

Do you have a super hero in your house?  One that is handsome, kind, cunning, and silly?

One that flies from place to place saving the day whenever he is called?  One the leaps into action at the first sign of trouble?

He is brave, he is strong, and he has all sorts of super powers.  Somehow he knows just what to do when there is a damsel in distress (i.e. Mom).

  If you do have a super hero living in your home he needs to be dressed and ready for action at any moment!  You can make him this super cool batman t-shirt for about a buck which makes you the super hero in his book!  All you have to do is grab a black t-shirt from the dollar store and collect some other supplies from around your house.

All you will need is:

t-shirt (the Dollar Tree now sells youth t-shirts in all different colors!!)

Small amount of household Bleach

Spray Bottle

Contact paper and exact-o knife

Permanent Marker


This is a very similar process to the handprint t-shirts that the kids and I made for my husband last father’s day.  But this time instead of using the contact paper to create an image and then spraying around it, this time the image was cutout of the contact paper which is used like a stencil.

  • Your first step is to pick up a shirt in your child’s size.  I am pleased with the quality of the ones I found at the Dollar Tree and find it very similar to the ones that Hobby Lobby sells when it comes to quality.  Of course for $1.00 you aren’t getting the softest fabric in the world, but you super hero won’t mind!
  • Next print out a batman graphic (or any other super hero you child likes).  I found mine by goggling Batman Symbol.  I then saved changed the size to fit my son’s shirt using my home computer and printer.
  • Then Cut a piece of contact paper that is larger than your image and will cover a fair amount of the t-shirt front
  • Tape your printed Graphic to a window and then tape the contact paper (with backing attached) over it.
  • Now trace the image using your permanent marker
  • Lay the traced image on a cutting board and carefully cut it out using and exact-o knife
  • Then peel the backing off and position the cut out image carefully onto the t-shirt.  (I put the cutting board inside the shirt at this point to get a better surface and smooth the shirt out on it)  – This step is important – ensure that your contact paper is smooth and adhered to the t-shirt all the way around the graphic – if you have bumps – the bleach will run leaving the image looking messy.  I also use a towel  to cover the other parts of the t-shirt to ensure it doesn’t get misted with bleach.
  • Then use a spray bottle with bleach in it to spray the image inside the contact paper
  • Let sit for a while and wash separately in the washing machine with contact paper still attached
  • After it is dried hand it over to your super hero and see what kind of moves he has in his new shirt!