Who doesn’t love scholastic books. I remember sitting at home circleing the books I wanted as a kid, and now my own kids bring their folders home with flyers. I think I enjoy going trough them just as much as they do, and we always find something fun and exciting that we cannot wait to read. Here is a great campaign that gives you the opportunity to compete in monthly mini missions for an opportunity to earn free scholastic books and be entered into a sweepstakes.
Visit scholastic.com/minimissions to register your family for the Every Day is a Big Day program.
Each month, log in and complete a new Mini™Mission to earn 2 free Scholastic books for your family.
When your family completes a Mini™ Mission, you are also entered into a sweepstakes where 131 prizes will be awarded to schools and communities each month.
Download free monthly stories chronicling Mini’s™ adventures against the evil Skipper.
Find out how to earn additional sweepstakes entries.
Mini™ Missions and what they are
August- Nutrition Tradition
Sept- Outdoor Explorer
Oct- Creative Moments
Nov- Conversation bites
Dec- Give and Get back
The November Mini™ Mission is all about conversation bites! As I recently shared with you, I transformed from a stay at home mom to a full time working mom. One of the things that I have found to be most important during the transition is taking the time to daily have meaningful conversations with my kids about what their days have been like, and what is important to them each day. Days are busy from start to finish, but the MOST important thing to me is that I connect with my kids daily about what matters most to them. The best time, for our little family, is at meal times, because we are all sitting together long enough to have a conversation that matters. I once read that 2 of the most important times in your child’s day are when they first wake up, and right before they go to bed. To me that means when they wake up and before bed, I stop whatever I’m doing and make a point to give them 100% of my attention. It just so happens that my babies wake up hungry, so breakfast time is the perfect time to talk without interruption. So here is what I find. If I ask an open ended question of my 4 and 6 year old’s like how was your day, what are you going to do at school today, or how are you today, I get sort of a blank confused stare. I think they just have to much on their minds and can’t pick and choose which events of their days to choose and share. So at our house we started what we call “Rainbows and Grumpies”. This is a time when we go around the table and each say a “Rainbow” something great that happened during the last day, or something we are looking forward to that day and a a “Grumpy” something not so good that happened the day before or something we are nervous about that day. Here is the thing! It may be two silly little questions, but it really allows for so much more than that. As each Rainbow or Grumpy comes up – we talk about – how we feel, what we think about it, what we should do about it, how to handle it, what was good/bad about it, and so much more! The best part is that in the process they are telling us all bout their days and we are really find out what is important to them on a daily basis. We get a chance to compliment them on good behaviors and choices, and also have the opportunity to hear about things that are hard for them and offer our suggestions. As a parent I think it has really opened my eyes to really listening to them and finding a way to connect, compliment the good things, and remind them of our values even though our days fly by in a whirl wind!
Additional Information about the monthly missions
Rewards and Prizes
Monthly Rewards for Families Include:
2 Scholastic books when your family completes each Mini™ Mission. 5,000 book sets awarded each month. *While supplies last.
Monthly Prizes for School and Communities Include:
$25 Scholastic Teacher Store Online gift cards. 100 gift cards awarded each month.
Scholastic book sets for classrooms. 20 book sets awarded each month.
$200 grants for PTO/PTAs. 10 grants awarded each month.
Book Nook Library Makeover for a local community center or organization. The Book Nook includes more than 1,200 Scholastic books, shelves, beanbag chairs, reading-themed rugs, an audio listening center and more! One Book Nook awarded each month.
Learn more, register, and participate at scholastic.com/minimissions
Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® and Scholastic have partnered to bring you the Every Day is a Big Day program, created to benefit families, schools and communities across the country.
Your family is invited to complete monthly Mini™ Missions to get free books for your family. Also, each month you’ll be entered into a sweepstakes for the chance to win one of 131 valuable prizes for your school and community. As you earn books and enter the sweepstakes, your family is sure to have a blast and learn something new along the way!
Start here and register for your first monthly mission!
This is a sponsored conversation by me on behalf of Kellogg’s(R) Frosted Mini-Wheats(R). The opinions and text are all mine.