The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear. The best way to creatively play in December, is to build the North pole out of boxes with the kids. This has been one of my children’s all time favorite holiday activities yet. All you will need are a few random boxes, a role of packaging tape, a little left over wrapping paper and whatever lights and Christmas decor you have left over as well as the imagination of a kid or two. Create your very own North Pole playhouse your very own living room!
I added this activity to last year’s advent calendar after spotting a photo on Pinterest. While home on the cold winter days with the kids, I thought it would make for a little bit of fun creative play. Boy, was i right, because this was ALL they wanted to do before Christmas last year!
We had no actual plan when we started, just started taping boxes together to create what they thought the North Pole needed. As boxes started going together, we added doors, little chutes and more. The kids got to work coloring the inside of the boxes while I cut windows in the walls. I also let the kids go to town and wrap up whatever parts of the playhouse they wanted.
Then came the really fun stuff. We had a few extra strands of lights, and some old stars and light up decorations. The kids completely outfitted their North Pole in true Christmasy fashion. Lights, lights, amd some more lights.
Last they added a few toys to the newlet created North Pole along with a stocking or two. My favorite addition was the mailbox and letters that my son made that were for Santa.
The kids played all month long in their playhouse. They prented to be Santa and his reindeer. They made letters to pretend mail and deliver.
They played Santa and reindeer, they mailed and delivered letters, they played Santa’s elves and made and delivered toys. They came up with all sorts of fun scenarios and was to creatively play in their very own North Pole! They had a great time creating it, and playing with it too. This is a great way to keep the kids busy playing this month!